From a distance, the soothing watercolors on these maps emote relaxation. Look closely and you'll see these maps use simple, vintage-style symbols and fonts to show lake depths, fish present, boat launches, nearby landmarks, street names, and other details about the surrounding area. Each map is carefully drawn by a skilled cartographer. These maps are unlike other products out there in that these Wisconsin Lake Maps are done artistically and with attention to detail. Many customers have said these maps have been a great addition to the wall of their lake home or business. Many have requested a custom call-out or highlight to point out the exact location of their cottage or business. Examples of custom add-ons are here.
All prints use premium heavyweight paper and are ready for you to frame. You can choose between a lustre (somewhat glossy) finish or a matte finish (not glossy). Maps in my map store show a standard print size, but you may reach out to me to have a custom size made.
You can get these maps made into your family's new favorite puzzle! Assembling your lake map as a puzzle will be a great way to spend time with your family at the lake cottage. The puzzle will be enjoyed by children and adults alike, all while educating everyone about the unique features of your lake. What a great gift idea!
There are 2 puzzle sizes available, although some lakes (larger ones, or the lake chain maps) lend themselves more to the 1000 piece option:
These puzzles use durable, glossy-coated paperboard and are shipped in a storage box that includes the map on the cover. Since these puzzles are a new addition to my line of products, I may not yet have the puzzle option showing in the map store for your lake. If that's the case, please reach out to me to let me know which lake(s) you'd like to have made into a puzzle so I can get it made and shipped to you ASAP. Like the printed maps, puzzle maps can include custom call-outs pointing to your family cottage. These custom puzzles typically take about 2 weeks to produce and ship, so please allow ample time for delivery.
Another new product offering is the wood prints. These provide you with an even more textured and rustic vibe, since each map is printed on real wood. The grains vary from piece to piece, resulting in a beautiful and unique piece of art. Wood prints are made on a light-colored maple board that is about 1" thick with a keyhole on the back for hanging. Like my other prints, these wood prints can include a custom call-out to your cottage or business. These wood prints are made directly on the surface of the wood in color (these are not laser-etched or burned into the wood). Examples are shown in the image gallery below. Wood prints may take about 2 weeks to produce and ship to you. I may not have the wood print option for your lake in my map store yet, but if you're interested, just reach out to me to start up a discussion about the cost and other details.
A couple comments from very happy customers:
"I LOVE IT!!! It's perfect!! Thank you!" ~Jodi, upon receiving her custom map of Pewaukee Lake
"Your map is by far the best one I’ve found and I’ve been trying to find a map to hang on our wall for a while!" ~Ben, another customer happy with his new map of Shawano Lake