Hi there! A while back I was looking for a lake map that could be proudly framed and hung on a wall. I found that the other lake maps out there are not print worthy or meant to be framed. Most are just digital graphics full of copyright notices, lacking detail, and/or just plain ugly. Not finding anything to my liking, I decided to make my own. When family and friends showed interest in my work, I decided to keep mapping. There are over 10,000 lakes in Wisconsin after all, and I enjoy doing this.
With the above in mind, I decided to start a new map series focused on the lakes of Wisconsin.
Some of the goals of this project are to:
To these ends, I'm starting this project with maps that use old-fashioned, very basic symbols and colors. The backgrounds are soft yet lively watercolors with foregrounds that are basic pencil & pen lines with old-fashioned typefaces. These maps are meant to be printed and framed, although they can certainly be customized and used digitally for other purposes.
Check out the lake maps in my map store.
If you can't find your lake in my store or want a special map made, let me know and I'll create a map for you.
I've been keeping a blog describing the maps, how I made them, perhaps a bit about the research I put into each, and sometimes I'll show how certain lake maps were customized at the request of customers. You can read this blog here.
If you have suggestions or comments please contact me.
Right here! You can order existing map prints from my online map store or contact me to discuss having a custom map made just for you. My maps are meant to be printed and to look great framed an hung on your wall, unlike most of the other lake maps out there, although I can certainly send you digital images of your custom map as well.
Probably, yes! I can create a new map of your lake provided I can gather the required information about it. Just drop me a line to and we can your request.
Yes! My maps are meant to look great framed and hanging on the wall of your home or cottage Just drop me a line to discuss your request, or view my map store to see if your lake is already mapped and ready to be shipped to you.
My maps show depth, fish present, boat launches, and other information that is of interest to anglers. Further, unlike most of the other fishing maps out there, my maps are meant to look good as framed prints. Each one of my maps is carefully made by a skilled cartographer.
Look right here. Go to the map store to view available map prints, or contact me if you'd like a custom map of your lake. My maps show depth as well as fish present, and other useful information.
My maps show lake depths! Go to the map store to view available map prints, or contact me if you'd like a custom map made.
Of course ideas and options are endless, but you can get some ideas from my Customization gallery (see tab above or below and go to the Customization page on this web site).
A couple comments from very happy customers:
"I LOVE IT!!! It's perfect!! Thank you!" ~Jodi, upon receiving her custom map of Pewaukee Lake
"Your map is by far the best one I’ve found and I’ve been trying to find a map to hang on our wall for a while!" ~Ben, another customer happy with his new map of Shawano Lake